The Best Massage For You
The best massage for you is the one that focuses to resolve the issue you are experiencing. Is your goal pain relief, increase range of motion or reducing stress? Or all three. The first thing that needs to happen is to get the soft tissue prepared for the work. The soft tissue are the muscles, fascia, connective tissue and the joints. The Rapid Release Therapy (RRT) is designed to get that accomplished. RRT breaks up the build up of scar tissue called adhesion. Adhesions are a result of trauma to the body from accidents, surgery, excessive inflammation, as well as, repetitive stress. The nerves can get stuck in the adhesion and create pain signals. RRT is based on science that shows successful release from vibration. RRT vibrates at 160 Hz. If you have not experience the pain relief found with RRT. I am happy to share this therapy with you. It also has an amazing relaxing effect that last long after the massage is over. I have successfully used the RRT for over 2 years.