Vacation Massage
Having a great therapeutic massage after a spectacular or not spectacular vacation can really get you back to your ‘normal’ life more quickly. Traveling by plane is very hard on the human body. It requires us to walk and sometimes run down hard tiled floors to catch our flights. When traveling we are placed in a “hurry up and wait” type of environment. How early do you need to be at the airport just to make sure you don’t miss your flight? Suitcases are a story to themselves. We pack them lift them in and out of the car, pulling them down the terminals and then lifting the suitcases up over our heads to put them in the overhead area. Then we squeeze into the seats and have to sit for the flight. Then rush off at another airport to do it again to catch the connecting flight! It is not that easy to stay hydrated AND we miss our yoga classes and morning run. No wonder there is “jet lag” and just a sense of blah when the trip is over. Therapeutic Massage is the answer. Therapeutic massage includes lymphatic massage techniques to get the interstitial fluid from the tissue moving and out of the body. The massage helps the muscles and fascia to return to healthy form. Massage also can reset our mind and body to feel refreshed and ready to enjoy our daily lives at home and work.